Components of integrated recording, Ram disk, Recording server – Avaya CPSEE_TSP500 User Manual

Page 201: Components of integrated recording -7, Ram disk -7, Recording server -7

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Appendix 12 Integrated Recording

CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide

Version 4.0

Page 12-7

This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.

Components of Integrated Recording

Recording Agent conversations on the TSP500 requires the following compo-

RAM Disk

Recording Server

Disk Monitor Daemon

Recording Resource Manager

RAM Disk

You must create a RAM disk with at least a 400MB capacity to hold the tem-
porary snippets of audio. The file grub.conf, located in the /boot/grub direc-
tory, will be modified to allocate the memory needed for the RAM disk. New
entries in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file will create the RAM disk at /mnt/rd dur-
ing boot-up.

These modifications take place when you install a recorder during a TSP500
upgrade. You must reboot the system after installation to activate the RAM

Recording Server

To activate Integrated Recording, you must mount SAMBA to a shared drive
on a Recorder Server. The Recorder Server is the server that will archive the
completed recordings. The Recorder Server will be referred to as the Rec-
in this document.

On Linux, you would mount the shared drive using an entry in the fstab file
in the /etc directory. This entry requires an IP address or “nodename”.
Although this could vary from site to site, the TSP software installation will
configure a default “nodename” (recserv), and IP address on the 199 network

If a different IP address, and “node name” is required, it can be reconfigured
during the installation, or afterwards, using the “rec_watch_setup” program
located in the /usr/home/cpstsp/cps01/utl/exe directory.

Table 12-1: Files modified during installation.






Add mount statement



Add “nodename” and IP address of the Rec-



Add environment variables.