Mounting the external drive, Mounting the external drive -3 – Avaya CPSEE_TSP500 User Manual

Page 197

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Appendix 11 Accessing Text-To-Speech

CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide

Version 4.0

Page 11-3

This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.

Mounting the External Drive

To mount an external drive, do the following:

1. Login to the TSP500 as root.
2. Edit the file containing filesystem information:

[root@tsp500]# cd /etc

[root@tsp500]# vi fstab

3. Insert the entry at the bottom of the file (See examples above).
4. Save the file.
5. Ensure the external drive is not already mounted:

[root@tsp500]# mount

6. If “/home/tts” is listed, do the following.

[root@tsp500]# umount /home/tts

Otherwise proceed to the next step.

7. Mount the external drive:

[root@tsp500]# mount –a