Delete vlan – Allied Telesis AT-S39 User Manual
Page 123
AT-S39 Command Line Interface User’s Guide
Syntax 1
delete vlan=name|vid ports=ports|all
frame=untagged|tagged [mirrorport=port]
Syntax 2
delete vlan=name|vid taggedports=ports|all
untaggedports=ports|all [mirrorport=port]
Specifies the name or VID of the VLAN from which
ports are to be removed.
Specifies the ports to be removed from the VLAN.
This parameter must be used with the FRAME
Specifies whether the ports to be removed are
tagged or untagged.
Specifies the tagged ports on the switch that you
want to remove from the VLAN. You can specify the
ports individually (e.g., 2,3,5), as a range (e.g., 7-9), or
both (e.g., 2,5,7-9). Specifying ALL removes all
tagged ports from the VLAN.
Specifies the untagged ports on the switch that you
want to remove from the VLAN. You can specify the
ports individually (e.g., 2,3,5), as a range (e.g., 7-9), or
both (e.g., 2,5,7-9). Specifying ALL removes all
untagged ports from the VLAN.
Specifies the port on the switch which is to stop
functioning as a mirror port of the VLAN.
This command removes tagged and untagged ports from a VLAN. You
can also use this command to cancel a port functioning as a VLAN mirror.
This command has two syntaxes, just like the CREATE VLAN command.
You can use either command to delete ports from a VLAN. The
difference between the two is that Syntax 1 can remove only one type of
port, tagged or untagged, at a time from a VLAN, while Syntax 2 can
remove both in the same command. This is illustrated in Examples