Allied Telesis AT-SBx31CFC960 User Manual

Page 209

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SwitchBlade x3112 Chassis Switch and AT-SBx31CFC960 Card Installation Guide


Figure 147. Switch Initialization Messages (Continued)

Loading vxWorks.bin.gz...(13512734 bytes)
Starting at 0x10000...

Target Name: vxTarget
Instantiating /ram for as rawFs, device = 0x1
Formatting /ram for DOSFS
Instantiating /ram for as rawFs, device = 0x1
Formatting...Retrieved old volume params with %38 confidence
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32. sectors per cluster 0

0 FAT copies. 0 clusters. 0 sectors per FAT
Sectors reserved 0. hidden 0. FAT sectors 0
Root dir entries 0. sysId (null) . serial number 20000

Disk with 64 sectors of 512 bytes will be formatted with
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT12, sectors per cluster 1

2 FAT copies. 54 clusters, 1 sectors per FAT
Sectors reserved 1. hidden 0. FAT sectors 2
Root dir entries 112. sysId VXDOS12. serial number 20000


dosChkLib : CLOCK_REALTIME is being reset to TUE OCT 01 12:57:54 2013
Value obtained from file system volume descriptor pointer: 0xaae5010
The old setting was THU JAN 01 00:00:03 1970
Accepted system dates are greater than THU DEC 27 00:00:00 1990

- Volume is OK

Adding 75929 symbols for standalone.


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@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@ " @@@@@@@@@@@@@"

Allied Telesis, Inc.

AlliedWareNPS for the ATI 960G Central Fabric Controller

Version (Customer-Release Build)
Created on Mon 09/30/2013 at 06:09 PM
Copyright Allied Telesis Inc., 20013

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