HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual
Hp openview storage mirroring

User’s Guide
hp OpenView
Storage Mirroring
Fourth Edition (May 2004)
Part Number: 360226-002
The intended audience for the Storage Mirroring User’s Guide is network administrators with expertise in
Windows. The network administrator should be responsible for setup and maintenance of the network and
should have working experience installing, configuring, and maintaining applications.
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- Introduction to Storage Mirroring
- Management Console
- Text Clients
- Failover Control Center
- Replication Sets
- Connections
- Mirroring
- Replication
- Verification
- Data Transmission
- Failover
- The Failover Process
- The Failback Process
- Failover Clients
- Failover Terminology
- How Failover Works
- How Failback Works
- How Failure Detection Works
- Client Connectivity
- Operating System Differences
- Failover Hardware Configurations
- Failover Options
- Managing Failover Through the Management Console
- Managing Failover Through the Failover Control Center
- Managing Failover Through the Text Client
- Restoration
- Monitoring Tools
- Advanced Settings
- Security
- Storage Mirroring Commands
- Conventions
- Storage Mirroring Commands
- ConID
- Connect
- Connect TDU
- Disconnect
- DTStat
- Environment
- Exit
- Failback
- Failover
- Get
- Get Local
- GetEnvStr
- Help
- Limit Bandwidth
- Load Source
- Load Target
- Login
- Logout
- LogViewer
- Mirror Pause
- Mirror Resume
- Mirror Start
- Mirror Stop
- Monitor Clear
- Monitor Create
- Monitor Delete
- Monitor Display
- Monitor Get
- Monitor List
- Monitor Move
- Monitor Option
- Monitor Remove
- Monitor Script Add
- Monitor Script Remove
- Monitor Start
- Monitor Stop
- Monitor Use
- Niclist
- Orphans Start
- Orphans Stop
- Pause Target
- Ping
- Quit
- Queue Task
- Replication Start
- Replication Stop
- Repset Calculate
- Repset Create
- Repset Delete
- Repset Display
- Repset List
- Repset Resync
- Repset Rule Add
- Repset Rule Remove
- Repset Save
- Repset Use
- Restore
- Resume Target
- Schedule Clear
- Schedule Disable
- Schedule Enable
- Schedule End
- Schedule Start
- Schedule Window
- Set
- Set Local
- Shutdown
- Source
- Statslog Start
- Statslog Status
- Statslog Stop
- Status
- Target
- Testcon
- TimeNow
- Transmission Pause
- Transmission Resume
- Transmission Start
- Transmission Stop
- Unload Source
- Unload Target
- Verify
- Wait
- Wait on Mirror
- Wait on Restore
- Wait on Target
- Write
- DTCL Scripting
- Application Failover
- Disaster Recovery for MSCS
- Cluster Configurations
- MSCS and Storage Mirroring
- Providing Disaster Recovery Using Storage Mirroring
- Cluster to Cluster Configuration
- Cluster to Standalone Configuration
- Standalone to Cluster Configuration
- Understanding the Double-Take Source Connection resource
- Glossary
- Index