HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual

Page 50

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IPSetup Error and Warning Messages

IPSetup User’s Guide524733-007


Error Messages

Cause. Memory resources on your PC are getting too low for IPSetup to run properly.

Recovery. Exit IPSetup, close all other Windows applications, and run IPSetup again.

Cause. IPSetup could not start a FUP process in inline mode on the host.

Recovery. Correct the error if possible and try again.

Cause. The FUP process started on the host has abended.

Recovery. Correct the error if possible and try again.

Cause. You selected more than one product and clicked Properties.

Recovery. Select one product and try again.

Cause. NSKUNPK returned an error while unpacking a product file on the host.

Recovery. Correct the error if possible and try again.

Cause. You clicked Browse... on the Product Selection dialog box but specified a
folder other than nsk_sw. All IP software is stored in folders by this name.

Recovery. Specify a folder named nsk_sw.

Cause. You selected a product that is already in the Available Products list.

Recovery. Select a product that is not in the Available Products list and try again.

Could not create font.
Windows resources are low.

Could not start inline FUP process:

Inline FUP process abended.

Multiple items selected. Please select one item and repeat
the operation.

NSKUNPK returned error text ‘ error

Please select a product folder named NSK_SW.

Product is already existing in the Available Products List.
Please select another product.

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