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Version 1.30

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For example, to set the 1kOhm range passive resistance output with the output
switched on, the command is:


R28 = 1KOhm Range (as detailed in the table above)
I0 = 2 Wire passive mode
S0 = Standby OFF (i.e. output switched ON)
= Carriage Return (ASCII character 13)

Additional examples

10 MOhm Passive R32/I0/S0

The calibrator will respond to the commands sent with the response codes as
detailed at the beginning of this section. These codes can be used to ensure that
hazardous output conditions are clearly indicated to the operator and to maintain
control of these outputs. This allows the calibrator to be returned to a safe state
once the testing required has been completed (e.g. setting the calibrator back to
standby once a test is complete and ensuring this has been successfully achieved
and no hazardous outputs remain on the terminals).

This functionality is employed within the ProCal calibration software from Transmille
to allow safe operation of the calibrator and to ensure the calibrator is returned to a
safe state in between test points and at the completion of a test sequence.