Options – NORD Drivesystems B1000 User Manual
Page 740
G1000 – Subject to Change Without Notice
Quiet Brake Release (NRB1)
To reduce the noise of the brake release, an o-ring
can be placed between the brake coil body and the
armature plate (stationary disc). The o-ring dampens
the impact caused by the armature plate hitting the
brake coil body during the release process. When
ordering NRB1, the SR (Dust Boot) option is required.
The SR option also includes the RG stainless steel
corrosion plate.
Quiet Brake Motor Operation (NRB2)
Noise due to vibration in the brake components is
possible during motor operation particularly with
variable frequency drive or single phase motor
operation. To reduce this vibration the brake can be
constructed with an o-ring between the brake carrier
hub and the armature plate. This o-ring will prevent
the clattering caused by the rapid micro speed
changes in the motor caused by inverter or single
phase operation.
Micro Switch (MIK)
The micro switch monitors the release state of the
brake and can be wired into external control circuitry
to provide additional safety. The switch can also
be used to detect certain brake service problems
including excessive brake wear.
Brass Foil (FBR)
NORD brakes can be fi tted with a brass foil in be-
tween the armature plate and the brake coil body.
The foil acts as a magnetic resistance to weaken the
brake coil’s magnetic attraction to the armature
plate. The weaker magnetic attraction between the
armature plate and the brake coil will provide faster
brake reaction (stopping) times. The brake release
(start) times will be increased. The brass foil is nor-
mally used in combination with the fast GP rectifi ers
in over excitation mode.
Dust Boot (SR)
Needed for NRB1
Corrosion Protection (RG)
Included in SR
Brass Foil (FBR)
Brass Foil (FBR)