Lubrication – NORD Drivesystems B1000 User Manual
Page 45
G1000 – Subject to Change Without Notice
Most gear reducers (except for SK0182NB, SK0282NB
and SK1382NB) are equipped with a vent which helps
compensate for air pressure differences between the
inner space of the gear unit and the atmosphere.
The spring-pressure vent (Autovent™) is commonly
supplied and factory-installed. Normally open vents
may also be supplied as an option; normally-open
vents are closed upon delivery in order to prevent oil
leakage during transport. When normally open vents
are supplied, the sealing plugs must be removed prior
to commissioning the reducer.
Prior to reducer start-up, it is important to check the
maintenance manual to verify that the vent is prop-
erly located with respect to mounting position.
Mounting Position
The reducer mounting position determines the ap-
proximate oil fi ll-level and the appropriate vent lo-
cation. In some cases mounting position may dictate
possible variation in fi nal reducer assembly.
If considering any mounting positions that are not
shown as catalog-standard options, it is critical that
the customer consult with NORD prior to ordering.
Oil Fill Quantities
Oil fi ll quantities shown in the catalog or maintenance
instructions are approximate amounts. The actual oil
volume varies depending upon the gear ratio. Prior
to commissioning the reducer, the oil-fi ll level should
be checked using the reducer’s oil-level plug. It may
be necessary to drain excess oil or add additional oil.
Unless otherwise specifi ed, NORD supplies most all
gear units factory-fi lled with the standard lubrication
type per the specifi ed mounting position. Gear units
SK10282, SK10382, SK11282, SK11382, and SK12382
are supplied without oil.
Lubrication Replacement
If the gear unit is fi lled with mineral oil, the lubricant
should be replaced at least after every 10,000 operat-
ing hours or after every two years. If the gear unit is
fi lled with synthetic oil, the lubricant should be re-
placed at least after every 20,000 operating hours or
after every four years.
Often gear reducers are exposed to extreme ambient
conditions, hostile environments, wet conditions, or
dirty and dusty operating areas. Especially in these
situations, it is important to change the reducer lu-
bricant more often that what is suggested as a typical
The Importance of Routine Oil Analysis
Routine oil analysis, sound lubrication practices, and
good tracking of oil performance trends as related to
specifi c equipment, will help establish proper lubrica-
tion maintenance and change-out intervals.
To maximize equipment reliability, NORD Gear gener-
ally recommends a condition-based lubrication main-
tenance program. One may take exceptions to this
general recommendation on sealed-for-life or main-
tenance-free gear units or smaller and less costly gear
units. In these instances, the replacement cost of the
gear unit is often small compared to the costs associ-
ated with this type of oil analysis program.
NORD suggests replacing the gear oil if oil analysis
indicates any of the following:
• Viscosity has changed by approximately 10% or more.
• Debris particles (silicon, dust, dirt or sand) exceed 25 ppm.
• Iron content exceeds 150-200 ppm.
• Water content is greater than 0.05% (500 ppm).
• Acid number tests indicate a signifi cant level of
oxidative break-down of the oil and a critical
reduction in performance.