Gear unit options – NORD Drivesystems B1000 User Manual

Page 22

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G1000 – Subject to Change Without Notice


NORD’s modular design allows for many different
types of inputs to be added to gear reducers. All in-
puts are bolt on and include machined pilots to en-
sure simple and accurate assembly. NORD offers the
following different input types:

• Integral motor
• Solid input shaft
• NEMA C-Face motor adapter
• IEC B5 motor adapter
• Servo motor adapter
• Top mount motor platform
• Scoop mount motor platform
• Custom mounting interface

For more information on the inputs see the input
section pages 673 - 687.


NORD offers a number of different mounting
arrangements including:

• Foot


• B5

fl ange (F)

• B14

fl ange (Z)

• Shaft mount (A)
• Foot and B5 fl ange (XF)
• Foot and B14 Flange (XZ)

Foot Mounted (Blank or X)

Foot or base mounting is the most common method
of reducer mounting. The speed reducer is secured in
place with bolts or studs to a mounting base. Most
often the reducer has mounting feet with through

B5 Flange (F)

A B5 fl ange provides a simple, large diameter mount-
ing fl ange with clearance holes and a centering pilot
to fi rmly secure the speed reducer to the application.
The B5 fl ange utilizes standard metric dimensions and
is available for all NORD reducers. Many reducers of-
fer a number of B5 fl ange diameters.

B5 Flange Pilot Removal (PR)

B5 fl anges have a centering pilot machined onto
the fl ange. In cases where there is not a matching
counter bore or when the fl ange must sit fl ush to the
mounting surface then the centering pilot must be
removed. This pilotless fl ange is used to fi rmly secure
the speed reducer to the application.

In some cases the matching surface already has a
centering pilot and the use of a female pilot (counter
bored fl ange surface) is recommended. Counter ro-
tating drives are an example where a female pilot is
frequently used.

B14 Flange (Z)

The NORD B14 fl ange consists of threaded holes and a
centering pilot machined into the reducer housing. It is
commonly used to secure the reducer to the application
machine base or to mount many bolt on components
such as a B5 fl ange, torque arm, or shaft cover. The
B14 fl ange uses standard metric dimensions and al-
lows a compact method of securing the reducer. This
option is standard on all Clincher


units and is avail-

able on all other NORD reducers.

Gear Unit