2 rs232/rs485, 1 general, Rs232/rs485 – West Control Solutions DataVU 7 User Manual
Page 158: 22 configuration - interface

22 Configuration - Interface
22.2 RS232/RS485
22.2.1 General
Device address
For the RS485 type of interface, the device address for the paperless recorder
must only occur once within a group of connected instruments on the same
bus. This has little significance for an RS232 interface, since only one device
can be connected to the serial interface.
The type of interface that is to be used.
The protocol that is to be used.
v Further information can be obtained from the Operating manual 59484
Baud rate
The transmission rate that is to be used for operating the interface.
In order for communication to take place – e. g. with the setup
program – the interface parameters for the PC and the recorder
must be identical at both ends of the connection.
Modbus slave
The paperless recorder operates as a Modbus slave.
Modbus master
The paperless recorder operates as a Modbus master.
Additional parameters must be set up in the menu
Device manager
Modbus master.
Bar code
A barcode reader is to be connected to the interface.