7 process monitor operation, 8 hazard/tornado condition operation – Fire-Lite MS-9200UDLSC Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel User Manual
Page 138
MS-9200UDLS Series Manual — P/N 52750:H 4/14/2014
Operating Instructions
Process Monitor Operation
A typical Supervisory event would be displayed as illustrated in the following:
Note that, like alarms, supervisory signals latch (except when programmed for supervisory autore-
settable) and can be assigned to software zones. Supervisory alarms do not cause resound as do
other alarm conditions. Open circuits in supervisory wiring are processed by the control panel the
same way as other trouble conditions. Refer to “Alarm Operation” on page 136, for a description
of the information displayed on the control panel LCD.
4.7 Process Monitor Operation
Process Monitor operation will initiate the following events:
The piezo sounder pulses ¼ second On and ¼ second Off
The LCD displays a process monitor message along with the device name, type, address,
adjective/noun, associated zones, and time/date
Communicate the process monitor condition to the Central Station (if the default event code
has been changed from 000 to a reportable event code)
Relays programmed for process monitoring will be activated
The alarm relay is not activated
Fire Alarm NACs will not activate
SLC NACs (control modules) will activate
Timers are not started
Store event in history buffer
Activate appropriate LED on the ANN-LED annunciator (required for this application)
Each ANN-LED can support up to 10 zones.
Note that, like supervisories, process monitor signals latch (except when programmed for process
monitor autoresettable) and can be assigned to software zones.
4.8 Hazard/Tornado Condition Operation
Hazard/Tornado operation is intended for Manual activation.
Hazard/Tornado Condition operation will initiate the following events:
The piezo sounder pulses 1/4 second On, 1/4 second Off
The LCD displays a hazard message along with the device name, type, address,
adjective/noun, associated zones, and time/date
Communicate the hazard condition to the Central Station (if the default event code has been
changed from 000 to a reportable event code)
Relays programmed for hazard will be activated
The alarm relay is not activated
Fire Alarm NACs will not activate
SLC NACs (control modules) will activate
Timers are not started
Store event in history buffer
Activate appropriate LED on the ANN-LED annunciator (required for this application)
Each ANN-LED can support up to 10 zones.
Hazard conditions latch. They can be assigned to software zones.
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