Datamax-O'Neil Class Series II Programmer’s Manual User Manual
Page 318

Appendix S – RFID Overview
Class Series 2 Programmer’s Manual
Example1: The following example encodes a HF tag, starting at block 001, with
bold), where 0024 equals a four-digit decimal data byte count and includes all bytes that
follow until the end of the data. Field termination is set by the byte count.
writes RFID best
Example 2: The following format encodes a tag with EPC data “1122334455667788”
with byte count shown in bold. Note that the field data is entered as the hex value for
the ASCII character.
GEN2 Kill/Access Passwords
Gen2 tags are capable of storing a 4-byte kill password and a 4-byte access password. The
kill password is stored at address 0, word offset 0 and access password is stored at address
0, word offset 2. The default for these passwords is typically 0.
To write these to the tag it is necessary to store the desired password value in the printer
To write the database for the kill password the command is
represents the 4-byte value in hexadecimal pairs; and,
To write the database for the access password the command is
where nnnnnnnn represents the 4-byte value in hexadecimal pairs.
These can also be viewed or modified via the printer’s display under RFID OPTIONS / UHF
SETTINGS. If the stored value for either or both of these passwords is non-zero and a label
formatting command to write EPC data is issued, then these passwords will be written also.
GEN2 Lock States
Gen2 supports a lock state of permalock, pwd-lock or both for any of the data sections of
the tag. This includes access/kill passwords, EPC data, Tag ID or user memory. To store
these states in the printer database the command is
is pwd-lock; 3 is both; and, 0 is none (default). When a section of the tag is written via
label formatting command and the stored lock state and lock after write are enabled, the
section will be locked.