Which logic analyzer – Atec Agilent-346a User Manual

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Agilent logic analyzers have
two methods of connection to
the probes. One uses a 3M-style
connector with 2 rows of 20
pins on 0.1-inch centers, as
illustrated in Figure 1.1. Probes
for these analyzers are identified
in this document as “for analyzers
with 40-pin pod connectors.”

The other style uses a 90-pin,
high-density connector, as
illustrated in Figure 1.2. Probes
for these analyzers are identified
in this document as “for analyzers
with 90-pin pod connectors.”

Currently available Agilent logic analyzers in these two groups are as follows:

Which Logic Analyzer?

Figure 1.1. 40-pin pod connector

Figure 1.2. 90-pin pod connector

90-pin pod connector



40-pin pod connector



1680, 1690 series benchtop analyzers