How to clean metal filters or attenuator gratings, Additional cleaning information – Atec Agilent-81618A User Manual

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Cleaning Information

Additional Cleaning Information


Agilent 81618A/9A and Agilent 81622B/3B/4B/6B/7B/8B User’s Guide, Second Edition

If there are any streaks or drying stains on the surface, repeat the

cleaning procedure.

How to clean metal filters or attenuator

This kind of device is extremely fragile. A misalignment of the grating

leads to inaccurate measurements. Never touch the surface of the

metal filter or attenuator grating. Be very careful when using or

cleaning these devices. Do not use cotton swabs or soft tissues, as

there is the danger that you cannot remove the lint and that the device

will be destroyed by becoming mechanically distorted.

Preferred Procedure

Use the following procedure on most occasions.

1 Use compressed air at a distance and with low pressure to remove

any dust or lint.

Procedure for Stubborn Dirt

Do not use an ultrasonic bath as this can damage your device.

Use this procedure when there is greasy dirt on the device:

1 Put the optical device into a bath of isopropyl alcohol, and wait at

least 10 minutes.

2 Remove the fluid using compressed air at some distance and with

low pressure. If there are any streaks or drying stains on the

surface, repeat the whole cleaning procedure.

Additional Cleaning Information

The following cleaning procedures may be used with other optical


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