Rgmii ddr constraints – Xilinx LOGICORE UG144 User Manual
Page 104

1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC v8.5 User Guide
UG144 April 24, 2009
Chapter 9: Constraining the Core
INST *rgmii_interface/delay_rgmii_tx_clk IDELAY_TYPE = “FIXED”;
INST *rgmii_interface/delay_rgmii_tx_clk ODELAY_VALUE = 25;
INST *rgmii_interface/delay_rgmii_tx_clk DELAY_SRC = “O”;
INST *rgmii_interface/delay_rgmii_rx_ctl IDELAY_TYPE = “FIXED”;
INST *rgmii_interface/delay_rgmii_rx_ctl IDELAY_VALUE = 20;
INST *rgmii_interface/delay_rgmii_rx_ctl DELAY_SRC = “I”;
The value of IDELAY_VALUE is preconfigured in the example designs to meet the setup
and hold constraints for the example RGMII pinout in the particular device. The
setup/hold timing which is achieved after place-and-route is reported in the data sheet
section of the TRCE report (created by the implement script).
When IDELAY or IODELAY primitives are instantiated with a fixed delay attribute, an
IDELAYCTRL component must be also instantiated to continuously calibrate the
individual input delay elements. The IDELAYCTRL module requires a reference clock,
which is assumed to be an input to the example design delivered by CORE Generator. The
most efficient way to use the IDELAYCTRL module is to lock the placement of the instance
to the clock region of the device where the IDELAY/IODELAY components are placed. An
example LOC constraint for the IDELAYCTRL module is shown commented-out in the
UCF. See the Virtex-5 User Guide and code comments for more information.
The following constraints are provided in the example design to link the instance of the
IDELAYCTRL to the IODELAY components used on the RGMII. These constraints aid the
Xilinx tools in automatic IDELAYCTRL placement:
# Group IODELAY and IDELAYCTRL components to aid placement
INST "*gemac_block/rgmii_interface/delay_rgmii_rx_clk"HIODELAY_GROUP =
INST "*gemac_block/rgmii_interface/*delay_rgmii_rxd" HIODELAY_GROUP =
INST "*gemac_block/rgmii_interface/delay_rgmii_rx_ctl" HIODELAY_GROUP =
INST "*gemac_block/dlyctrl" IHODELAY_GROUP = "HIODELAY_RGMII_GRP1";
RGMII DDR Constraints
The following constraints are present for RGMII designs in all devices with the exception
of Virtex-4 and Virtex-5 devices. Due to the use of IDDR and ODDR primitives in the
Virtex-4 design, these extra clocking constraints are not required.
The RGMII design requires further clock crossing constraints to ensure timing is met when
crossing from rising to falling clock edges and vice versa. A stringent time constraint
ensures that timing is met with the worst-case timing allowed in the RGMII specification.
INST "*rgmii_interface/rgmii_rxd_reg_4" TNM="rgmii_falling";
INST "*rgmii_interface/rgmii_rxd_reg_5" TNM="rgmii_falling";
INST "*rgmii_interface/rgmii_rxd_reg_6" TNM="rgmii_falling";
INST "*rgmii_interface/rgmii_rxd_reg_7" TNM="rgmii_falling";
INST "*rgmii_interface/rgmii_rx_ctl_reg" TNM="rgmii_falling";
INST "*rgmii_interface/gmii_rxd_reg_4" TNM="rgmii_rising";
INST "*rgmii_interface/gmii_rxd_reg_5" TNM="rgmii_rising";
INST "*rgmii_interface/gmii_rxd_reg_6" TNM="rgmii_rising";
INST "*rgmii_interface/gmii_rxd_reg_7" TNM="rgmii_rising";
INST "*rgmii_interface/gmii_rx_er_reg" TNM="rgmii_rising";
TIMESPEC "TS_rgmii_falling_to_rising" = FROM "rgmii_falling" TO
"rgmii_rising" 3200 ps;