Telenetics 56 User Manual
Page 95

AT Commands
Page 87
1 Transmit
2 Receive
3 Both directions, accept any direction. (Default.)
ion> Decimal number that specifies whether or not the modem 0 Do not disconnect if V.44 is not negotiated by the remote DCE as specified in 1 Disconnect if V.44 is not negotiated by the remote DCE as specified in packet method, multi-packet method. 0 Stream method. (Default.) 1 Packet method. 2 Multi-packet method. x> Decimal number from 256 to 2048 that specifies the x> Decimal number from 256 to 2048 that specifies the string length to be negotiated in the transmit direction. string length to be negotiated in the receive direction. (Default maximum size of the history buffer to be negotiated in the maximum size of the history buffer to be negotiated in the Reporting Current or Selected Values Example: +DS44:3,0,0,2048,2048,32,32,4096,4096 For the default setting. Reporting Supported Range of Parameter Values +DS44:(list of supported
should continue to operate if the desired result is not
maximum number of codewords which should be negotiated
in the transmit direction. (Default = 2048.)
maximum number of codewords which should be negotiated
in the receive direction. (Default = 2048.)
(Default = 32.)
= 32.)
transmit direction. (Default = 4096.)
receive direction. (Default = 4096.)
Command: +DS44?
Response: +DS44:
Command: +DS44=?
compression_negotiation> values),(list of supported
values),(list of supported
of supported
values),(list of supported