Telenetics 56 User Manual

Page 156

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AT Commands

Page 148


+FCS: 0

For the default setting.

Reporting Supported Range of Parameter Values
Command: +FCL=?
Response: +FCL:

tim range)

Example: +FCL:


+FDD - Double Escape Character Replacement

This parameter conditions the use of the ˜DLE˜˜˜SUB˜ pair to encode consecutive


1/in data. This may be used to prevent unbound expansion of data that contains

many 1/patterns.


FDD= value

Defined Values

Decimal number corresponding to the selected option. For

modem decode of , the defined range are:

0 or discard (default and only)

1 (not supported)

For modem encoding of <1/0> <1/0>the defined values are:

0 (default and only)

1 (not supported)

Reporting Current or Selected Values
Command: +FDD?
Response: +FDD:


+FDD: 0

For the default setting.

Reporting Supported Range of Parameter Values
Command: +FDD=?

+FDD: ( range)

Example: +FDD:


+FIT - DTE Inactivity Timeout

This command specifies a DTE inactivity timeout value that allows the modem to break
away from an unsuccessful connection attempt at any stage of a facsimile transfer. The
DTE inactivity timer operates only while the modem is off-hook.


FIT= tim actio

Defined Values

tim The tim parameter indicates the DTE inactivity timeout in

seconds. The value of 0 indicates that timeout is disabled
(default). The required timeout range is 1 to 255 seconds. The
inactivity timer starts when the modem has taken some action
that requires DTE response. If the DTE does respond, the
modem resets the inactivity timer. Inactivity timer related events
are listed in Table A-19.

actio The actio parameter has two meanings.

0 Upon timeout, the modem will go on-hook, executing

an implied ATH command; then reset to FCLAS 0.

1 Upon timeout, the DCE will only go on-hook.

Reporting Current or Selected Values



FIT: tim actio


FIT: 0,0

For the default settings.

Reporting Supported Range of Parameter Values