Telenetics 56 User Manual
Page 118

AT Commands
Page 110
The S-Parameters are summarized in Table A-14 along with their default values; registers
denoted with an '*' may be stored in one of the two user profiles by entering the &W
command. One of these profiles may be loaded at any time by using the Z command.
Registers or register fields quoted as “reserved” are reserved for current or future use by
the firmware, or are permanently overridden by PTT limitations. For the latter, control of
the equivalent functionality is available with ConfigurACE Call Progress and
Blacklisting options.
All bit-mapped registers are read-only. The appropriate AT command which controls the
relevant bits in the S-Parameter should be used to change the value.
S - Read/Write S-Parameter
The modem selects an S-Parameter, performs an S-Parameter read or write function, or
reports the value of an S-Parameter.
Establishes S-Parameter n as the last register accessed.
Sets S-Parameter n to the value v.
Reports the value of S-Parameter n.
The parameter n can be omitted, in which case the last S-Parameter accessed will be
assumed. The S can be omitted for AT= and AT?, in which case the last S-Parameter
accessed will be assumed. For example:
ATS7 establishes S7 as the last accessed register.
AT=40 sets the contents of the last register accessed to 40.
ATS=20 sets the contents of the last register accessed to 20.
If the number "n" is outside the range of the S-Parameters available, the modem will
return the ERROR message. If the value “v” is outside the range permitted for a given S-
Parameter, the modem will return the ERROR message. Input and output are always in
decimal format. Note that some S-Parameters are read-only.
In some cases, writing to the S-Parameter will appear to be accepted but the value will
not actually be written.
Due to country restrictions, some commands will be accepted, but the value may be
limited and replaced by a maximum or minimum value.
Minimum, maximum, and default values for S-Parameters may be altered with ConfigurACE.