Telenetics 56 User Manual

Page 66

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AT Commands

Page 58

transmit clock signal on the XTCLK input of the serial
interface. The modem applies this clock to the TXCLK
output at the serial interface.

2 Selects slave receive timing. The modem derives the

transmit clock signal from the incoming carrier and
applies it to the TXCLK output at the serial interface.

Result Codes

OK = 0 to 2.

+IPR - Fixed DTE Rate

This numeric extended-format parameter specifies the data rate at which the modem will
accept commands during online operation. It may be used to select operation at rates at
which the modem is not capable of automatically detecting the data rate being used by
the DTE. Specifying a value of 0 disables the function and allows operation only at rates
automatically detectable by the modem. The specified rate takes effect following the
issuance of any result code(s) associated with the current command line.

The <rate> specified does not apply in Online Data State if Normal Mode (Direct Mode)
of operation is selected.



Defined Values

Specifies the DTE-modem interface operation rate in bits/s.

The available rates are: 0, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,
19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, or 230400
If unspecified or set to 0, automatic detection is selected and
the character format is also forced to autodetect, +ICF=0.
If the rate specified is not supported by the modem, an ERROR
result code will be returned

Reporting Current or Selected Values
Command:+IPR? +GCI?
Response: +IPR:

Example 1: +IPR: 0 For automatic rate detection.
Example 2: +IPR:

115200 For 115200 bps.

Reporting Supported Range of Parameter Values
Command:+IPR? +GCI?
Response: +IPR:

( range)

Example: +IPR:
