Telenetics 56 User Manual

Page 184

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AT Commands

Page 176

+FCQ - Copy Quality Checking

Write syntax:


Valid values:


Default value: 0

This parameter controls Copy Quality checking by a receiving facsimile DCE. The DCE
returns +FCQ=0 which indicates the DCE does no quality checking. The DCE will
generate Copy Quality OK (MCF) responses to complete pages, and set +FPTS=1.

+FPHCTO - DTE Phase C Response Time-out

Write syntax:


Valid values:

0 - 255, 100 millisecond units.

Default value: 30

The +FPHCTO command determines how long the DCE will wait for a command after
reaching the end of data when transmitting in Phase C. When this time-out is reached, the
DCE assumes there are no more pages and no documents to send. It then sends the T.30
EOP response to the remote device.

+FAXERR - T.30 Session Error Report

Read syntax: +FAXERR= , read only

Valid values:

0 - 255, see Table A-26 for meaning

This read-only parameter indicates the cause of the hangup. Table A-26 shows the valid
values for this parameter as well as the meaning of the each value. +FAXERR is set by
the DCE at the conclusion of a fax session. The DCE resets +FAXERR to 0 at the
beginning of Phase A off-hook time.

+FBOR - Data Bit Order

Write syntax:


Valid values:

0, 1, 2, or 3

Default value: 0

This parameter controls the mapping between PSTN facsimile data and the DTE-DCE
link. There are two choices:

Direct: The first bit transferred to each byte on the DTE-DCE link is the first bit
transferred on the PSTN data carrier.

Reversed: The last bit transferred of each byte on the DTE-DCE link is the first bit
transferred on the PSTN data carrier.

There are two data types to control: