Telenetics 56 User Manual
Page 183
AT Commands
Page 175
field reports supported string values.
The string is saved in RAM.
Non-numeric characters are not filtered out.
The string is right justified.
+FCR - Capability to Receive
Write syntax:
Valid values:
0 or 1
Default value: 0
+FCR=0 indicates that the DCE will not receive message data. This can be used when
the DTE has insufficient storage. The DCE can send and can be polled for a file.
+FCR is sampled in CCITT T.30 Phase A and Phase D.
+FPTS= - Page Transfer Status
Write Syntax: +FPTS=
Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Default value: 0
The +FPTS parameter contains a value representing the post page response, including
copy quality and related end-of-page status. These values correspond to post page
response messages defined in T.30. The receiving DCE sets this parameter after it
receives a page of Phase C data. The transmitting DCE sets this parameter with the status
reported by the receiving station. The DTE may inspect or modify this parameter.
The set of <ppr> values is defined in Table A-25. These values are also reported in the
+FPTS response to the +FDR command.