Telenetics 56 User Manual

Page 72

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AT Commands

Page 64

line command mode, the modem enters the on-line data mode with or without a retrain. If
in the off-line command mode (no connection), the modem reports ERROR.



Defined Values

Decimal number corresponding to the selected option.

0 Enters on-line data mode without a retrain. Handling is

determined by the Call Establishment task. Generally,
if a connection exists, this command connects the DTE
back to the remote modem after an escape (+++).

1 Enters on-line data mode with a retrain before returning

to on-line data mode.

2 Fast retrain without speed change (used for diagnostic

purpose only).

3 Renegotiate rate without speed change (used for

diagnostic purpose only.

4 Renegotiate rate down one speed (used for diagnostic

purpose only).

5 Renegotiate rate up one speed (used for diagnostic

purpose only).

Result Codes

OK = 0 to 5 and a connection exists.

ERROR Otherwise or if not connected.

L - Speaker Volume

This command sets the speaker volume control. The parameter value, if valid, is written
to S22, bits 0 and 1.



Defined Values

Decimal number corresponding to the selected option.

0 Low


1 Low volume. (Default.)

2 Medium


3 High


Result Codes

OK = 0 to 3.

ERROR Otherwise.

M - Speaker Control

This command selects when the speaker will be on or off. The parameter value, if valid,
is written to S22, bits 2 and 3.



Defined Values

Decimal number corresponding to the selected option.

0 Speaker is always off.

1 Speaker is on during call establishment, but off when

receiving carrier. (Default.)

2 Speaker is always on.

3 Speaker is off when receiving carrier and during

dialing, but on during answering.

Result Codes