Telenetics 56 User Manual

Page 133

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AT Commands

Page 125

S210 – V.34 Symbol Rates

The bits in this parameter control V.34 symbols rates and enables/disables V.34
asymmetric rates. This parameter is used for diagnostic purpose only.

Default: 13 (0Dh) (00001101b)

Bits 0-2

Selects the range of allowed V.34 symbol rates.

2 1 0

Symbol Rates (baud)

0 0 0


2400 only

0 0 1


2400 only (no 2734)

0 1 0


2400, 2800

0 1 1


2400, 2800, 3000

1 0 0


2400, 2800, 3000, 3200

1 0 1


2400, 2800, 3000, 3200, 3429 (Default.)

Bit 3 Enable/disable V.34 asymmetric rates.

0 = Disable asymmetric rates

1 = Enable asymmetric rates (Default.)

Bits 4-7 Reserved.



Enable asymmetric rates with all symbol rates available (Default.).


Disable asymmetric rates with all symbol rates available.


Enable asymmetric rates with only 2400 baud available.


Enable asymmetric rates with 2400 to 3000 baud available.

Cellular Commands

Cellular direct connect, supported by portable application modems, allows a direct
interface to most cellular telephones eliminating the need for other intelligent interfaces.

Landline modems operate with the telephone system by either going off-hook detecting
dial tone and the dialing the telephone number using pulses or DTMF digits, or detecting
the RING signal and answering the call. Intelligent cellular phone interfaces connect
between the modems RJ-11 socket and the cellular phone's data interface. The interface
provides landline features to the modem (line current, dial tone, ringing, etc.), and
translates the modem's signals (off-hook, DTMF digits, etc.) into signals that the cellular
phone understands. Once connected the interface acts as a transparent link between the
modem and the cellular telephone. The Direct Connect Modem interfaces directly to the
cellular phone's data interface and provides direct control over the cellular phones
operation. For example if the user were to instruct the modem to dial using the
ATDTnnnn command the modem would relay the telephone number and the SEND
command to the cellular phone over the data interface.

The modem connects to the cellular phone using a special cable which must be purchased
separately. A different cable is required for each cellular phone or make of cellular