Telenetics 56 User Manual

Page 30

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Upgrading the Modem Firmware

Page 22


In HyperTerminal, issue the command AT** and press the Enter key. The message download
initiated.. appears in your HyperTerminal window.


In HyperTerminal, click the Transfer menu and click Send Text File.


When the Send Text File dialog box appears, change Files of type at the bottom of the dialog box to
All files (*.*). Then navigate to the directory where you placed the loader file. When you find the
loader file, either double-click it, or click it and click the Open button. Your HyperTerminal window
should resemble the following as the flash code is downloaded to the modem.


Download initiated ..








Flash loader - Rev. 44

Standard download mode

ATMEL AT49F002(N)T/AT49BV002(N)T/AT49LV002(N)T Mfr_ID=1F Dev_ID=08

2MBit Device Detected

Download flash code ..


In HyperTerminal, click the Transfer menu and click Send Text File.


When the Send Text File dialog box appears, change Files of type at the bottom of the dialog box to
All files (*.*). Then navigate to the directory where you placed the data file. When you find the data
file, either double-click it, or click it and click the Open button. After about one minute, your
HyperTerminal window should resemble the following as your modem is being programmed.





Device successfully programmed


When the message Device successfully programmed appears, power-off the modem for
five seconds, then power it on.

Note: Updating the modem firmware does not affect any command profiles saved to the modem’s
nonvolatile memory nor any security features that were set prior to the upgrade. This means you
can use your Premier 56 modem immediately after upgrading the firmware, without having to

reconfigure it.