Uses, Features – Nortel Networks Circuit Card User Manual
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Page 73 of 906
Circuit Card
Description and Installation
not consume a module slot. The RS-232-C connections are brought out
through special cables to the backplane I/O panel.
The QPC841 Quad SDI card and the QPC513 Enhanced SDI card mount in
standard backplane slots, and their serial interface connectors are located on
the card front panels. A list of the modules that they can be mounted in is
given in the following sections on the individual cards.
Examples of asynchronous devices that can be connected to the system
processor using the NT8D41BA QSDI paddle board and the QPC841 Quad
SDI card are:
an administration and maintenance terminal
a background terminal for use in a hotel/motel
the Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) feature
the Call Detail Recording (CDR) feature
Examples of synchronous devices that can be connected to the system
processor using the QPC513 Enhanced SDI card are:
a host computer (DEC, Tandem, for example) using the Meridian Link
communication program
the Meridian Mail voice-mail option
The NT8D41 QSDI paddle board and the QPC841 QSDI card provide the
following features:
asynchronous serial data interface ports, each supporting
— RS-232-C interface
— 8–bit ASCII data with parity and stop bit
— Asynchronous, start-stop operation
— Data rates of 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 baud