Printronix MVP Series User Manual

Page 147

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Host Mode Control Code Sequence Placement

A host mode control code change sequence conventionally follows a line

terminator character and applies to the data occurring before the next line

terminator character. The line terminator characters are line feed (LF), form

feed (FF), vertical tab (VT), EVFU channels (10H to 1DH), and EVFU load

codes (1EH and 1FH).

Valid Control Code Sequence

Valid Control Code sequences will be recognized anywhere in the data

stream and interpreted as applying to the data occurring between the same

two line terminators as the Control Code sequence.

The following examples are recognized as valid control code sequences. In

each case, the data occurring between the line terminators will print in the

mode specified by the control sequence.

(Line Terminator Previous Line) (Mode Change Control Code

Sequence) (Data) (Line Terminator).

(Line Terminator Previous Line)(Data) (Mode Change Control Code

Sequence)(Data) (Line Terminator).

(Line Terminator Previous Line)(Data) (Mode Change Control Code

Sequence)(Line Terminator).

NOTE: The initial line terminator shown in the examples above is not a

required part of any single programming line but would occur at the

end of the preceding programming line. The only requirement for

any single programming line is that the mode change Control Code

sequence must occur before the line terminator for that line.

If more than one one valid mode change control code sequence occurs

between two line terminators, the last one will take precedence.