Printronix MVP Series User Manual
Page 108

Plot Data Line Format
A plot data line may contain any number of plot data bytes up to 132 bytes
(or 136 if Configuration Option 56.0 is set to 56.1; refer to page 4–37) for
horizontal dot density of 60 dpi (Data Processing mode), or 198 bytes for a
horizontal dot density of 90 dpi (Correspondence mode). When the auto line
feed is disabled, any bytes over the maximum (for the particular mode) are
lost. When the auto line feed is enabled and the maximum is exceeded, a line
feed (LF) is forced and the remaining plot data is printed as text on the next
line. The plot mode control code may occur anywhere in the line prior to the
line terminator, but plot speed may decrease if it is not at the beginning of the
NOTE: P–Series graphics and printable symbols can not be intermixed on
the same line.
Normal Density Plot
For normal density plot, the plot line format contains: the odd dot plot
control code, plot data bytes, and a line terminator. The control sequence for
sending the P–Series normal density plot is as follows:
Send the plot command code ENQ (05 hex).
Send the plot data bytes. (Refer to Table 5–1 on page 5–3.)
Send a line terminator; Line Feed or Form Feed:
For a Line Feed use 0AH. A line feed plots the contents of the
buffer and advances the paper a single dot row, based on the
vertical density of the current mode. A Carriage Return (CR) may a
be used instead of the LF code, provided the carriage return has
been configured for carriage return = carriage return + line feed
(CR = CR + LF).
For a Form Feed use FF, 0CH. A form feed (0C hex) plots the
contents of the buffer and advances the paper to the top of the next
Regardless of which line terminator code is sent, the printer defaults to the
previously selected print mode unless further plot control codes are provided
with the data.
Failure to adhere to this format may cause unexpected results.