Printronix MVP Series User Manual
Page 111

Programming Example with Odd Dot Plot
The following program uses the Odd Dot Plot control code to produce the
image in Figure 5–10.
10 LPRINT “Odd Dot Plot”
20 FOR I=1 TO 8
30 READ R1
40 READ R2
50 LPRINT CHR$(5);
60 FOR N=1 TO 25
70 LPRINT CHR$(R1);CHR$(R2);
100 NEXT I
110 DATA 42, 64, 73, 65, 92, 64, 42, 64, 73, 65, 92, 64, 42, 64, 73, 65
The image is printed 25 times, where an entire dot row is plotted in one
printing pass. Therefore, the first row of all 25 images is printed in one pass,
followed by the second row, etc., until all rows have been printed.
Figure 5–10. Sample Odd Dot Plot
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