Panel setup – Sony DVS-9000 User Manual

Page 127

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Chapter 1



S-9000 Functions


3-704-674-01 (1)

Note that the setup data in RAM can also be saved to the control panel hard disk
or memory card.

Panel Setup

In panel setup, you carry out settings particular to the control panel.
You can make the following settings.

For details of the operations, see “Setup Relating to Operations From the
Control Panel” in Chapter 16 (Volume 2).

Panel settings (Config)

M/E Assign: Set the logical configuration of the M/E and P/P banks.
M/E Operation: For each of the M/E and P/P banks, make operations

possible, not possible, or disabled (Enable/Disable/Inhibit).

DSK Fader Assign: Carry out fader function assignment and key delegation

for the key delegation buttons.

• External Bus Link: Make link settings relating switcher cross-point buttons

to routing switcher sources.

Key Trans Link: Select whether or not to link transitions between keyers,

and if so which keyer to link to. You can set the links between keyers for each
M/E bank separately.

Cross-point button settings (Xpt Assign)

Multi Xpt Assign: For each operating bank or bus, assign a main table and

“sub” tables 1 to 4.

Xpt Assign: Carry out main table settings.

• Assign video/key sources for button numbers.
• Set source names of up to sixteen characters.
• Set the LCD color for source name display.
• For each cross-point table, specify whether the rightmost cross-point

button in each row is used as a shift button, and the operating mode when
it is used as a shift button.

Sub Table Assign: For sub tables 1 to 4, set rearrangements of the button

layout set in the main table. Also set the shift button mode.

Shift Mode: For the [SHIFT] button in the cross-point control block, select

the mode in which this is a shift button dedicated to the source display
section, or the mode in which it is a shift button for all buses.

AUX bus settings (Aux Assign)

Aux Assign: Assign the AUX delegation buttons in the AUX bus control

block to any bus.