Sony NWZ-S615FSLV User Manual
Sony Players

Copy right © 2007. Sony Creativ e Softw are Inc.
All Rights Reserv ed
Rev ised December 6, 2007
You can use Media Manager for WALKMAN software to find photos, music, videos, and RSS media feeds on
your computer and transfer them to your WALKMAN.
Go Pro
WA LKM A N s upports the us e of .mp4 video files that are Q V GA s ize (3 2 0 x2 4 0 ) and c onform to thes e
profiles : M P E G4 -Simple P rofile, A V C Bas eline P rofile v1 .2 , v1 .3 .
V ideo enc oding of
other formats
is available only in M edia M anager P RO for WA LKM A N .
N otic e: T his c omputer program is protec ted by c opyright laws and international treaties . U nauthorized reproduc tion or
dis tribution of this program, or any portion of it, may res ult in s evere c ivil and c riminal penalties , and will be pros ec uted to the
maximum extent pos s ible under the law.
Sony C reative Software I nc . may have patents , patent applic ations , trademarks , c opyrights , or other intellec tual property
rights c overing s ubjec t matter in this doc ument. E xc ept as expres s ly provided in any written lic ens e agreement from Sony
C reative Software I nc . the furnis hing of this doc ument does not give you any lic ens e to thes e patents , trademarks , c opyrights ,
or other intellec tual property.
Walkman, WA LKM A N , and WA LKM A N logo are regis tered trademarks of Sony C orporation.
M us ic rec ognition tec hnology and related data are provided by Grac enote®. Grac enote is the indus try s tandard in mus ic
rec ognition tec hnology and related c ontent delivery. For more information vis
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