IBM RS/6000 User Manual
Page 21

How Customers Can Get Redbooks and Other ITSO Deliverables
Customers may request ITSO deliverables (redbooks, BookManager BOOKs, and
CD-ROMs) and information about redbooks, workshops, and residencies in the
following ways:
Registered customers have access to PUBORDER to order hardcopy, to
REDPRINT to obtain BookManager BOOKs
IBM Bookshop — send orders to:
[email protected] (USA)
[email protected] (Outside USA)
Telephone orders
Mail Orders — send orders to:
Fax — send orders to:
1-800-IBM-4FAX (USA only) — ask for:
Index # 4421 Abstracts of new redbooks
Index # 4422 IBM redbooks
Index # 4420 Redbooks for last six months
Direct Services
Send note to
Redbooks Home Page on the World Wide Web
E-mail (Internet)
Send note to
1-800-879-2755 (USA)
0256-478166 (UK)
354-9408 (Australia)
32-2-225-3738 (Belgium)
359-2-731076 (Bulgaria)
1-800-IBM-CALL (Canada)
42-2-67106-250 (Czech Republic)
45-934545 (Denmark)
593-2-5651-00 (Ecuador)
01805-5090 (Germany)
03-69-78901 (Israel)
0462-73-6669 (Japan)
905-627-1163 (Mexico)
31-20513-5100 (Netherlands)
064-4-57659-36 (New Zealand)
507-639977 (Panama)
027-011-320-9299 (South Africa)
IBM Publications
P.O. Box 9046
Boulder, CO 80301-9191
IBM Direct Services
Sortemosevej 21,
3450 Allerod
1-800-445-9269 (USA)
0256-843173 (UK)
32-2-225-3478 (Belgium)
359-2-730235 (Bulgaria)
905-316-7210 (Canada)
42-2-67106-402 (Czech Republic)
593-2-5651-45 (Ecuador)
07032-15-3300 (Germany)
03-69-59985 (Israel)
0462-73-7313 (Japan)
31-20513-3296 (Netherlands)
064-4-57659-16 (New Zealand)
507-693604 (Panama)
027-011-320-9113 (South Africa)