IBM SC34-6814-04 User Manual
Customization guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- Preface
- Summary of changes
- Part 1. Customizing with user exit programs
- Chapter 1. Global user exit programs
- Writing global user exit programs
- Register conventions
- 31-bit addressing implications
- Using CICS services
- Using channels and containers
- Assembler programs and LEASM
- EDF and global user exits
- The global work area
- Making trace entries
- Parameters passed to the global user exit program
- Returning values to CICS
- Restrictions on the use of fields as programming interfaces
- Exit programs and the CICS storage protection facility
- Errors in user exit programs
- Defining, enabling, and disabling an exit program
- Viewing active global user exits
- Invoking more than one exit program at a single exit
- Invoking a single exit program at more than one exit
- Making programs threadsafe
- Sample global user exit programs
- Basic sample and example programs
- Sample programs for specific exits
- The Application Associated Data sample exit program
- The Basic Mapping Support sample exit program
- The data tables sample exit programs
- The dump domain sample exit program
- The enqueue EXEC interface sample exit program
- The file control state program sample exit program
- The file control recovery program sample exit programs
- The function-shipping and DPL queue control sample exit program
- The HTTP client sample exit programs
- The interval control EXEC interface sample exit program
- The log manager domain sample exit program
- The message domain sample exit programs
- The MRO and APPC session queue management sample exit program
- The pipeline sample exit program
- The session queue management sample exit program, for IPIC connections
- The transaction-abend sample exit program
- The terminal-not-known sample exit program
- Alphabetical list of global user exit points
- Global user exit points by functional area
- Activity keypoint program exit XAKUSER
- Application Associated Data exit, XAPADMGR, in the AP domain
- Basic Mapping Support exits XBMIN and XBMOUT
- Bridge facility exit XFAINTU
- Data tables management exits XDTRD, XDTAD, and XDTLC
- DBCTL interface control program exit XXDFA
- DBCTL tracking program exits XXDFB and XXDTO
- Dispatcher domain exits XDSBWT and XDSAWT
- DL/I interface program exits XDLIPRE and XDLIPOST
- Dump domain exits XDUREQ, XDUREQC, XDUCLSE, and XDUOUT
- Enqueue EXEC interface program exits XNQEREQ and XNQEREQC
- EXEC interface program exits XEIIN, XEIOUT, XEISPIN, and XEISPOUT
- File control domain exits, XFCFRIN and XFCFROUT
- File control EXEC interface API exits XFCREQ and XFCREQC
- File control EXEC interface SPI exits XFCAREQ and XFCAREQC
- File control file state program exits XFCSREQ and XFCSREQC
- File control open/close program exit XFCNREC
- File control quiesce receive exit, XFCVSDS
- File control quiesce send exit XFCQUIS
- File control recovery program exits XFCBFAIL, XFCBOUT, XFCBOVER, and XFCLDEL
- Front End Programming Interface exits XSZARQ and XSZBRQ
- Good morning message program exit XGMTEXT
- HTTP client open and send exits: XWBAUTH, XWBOPEN and XWBSNDO
- Intersystem communication program exits XISCONA and XISLCLQ
- Interval control program exits XICREQ, XICEXP, and XICTENF
- Interval control EXEC interface program exits XICEREQ, XICERES, and XICEREQC
- Loader domain exits XLDLOAD and XLDELETE
- Log manager domain exit XLGSTRM
- Message domain exit XMEOUT
- Monitoring domain exit XMNOUT
- Pipeline domain exits
- Program control program exits XPCREQ, XPCERES, XPCREQC, XPCFTCH, XPCHAIR, XPCTA, and XPCABND
- Resource manager interface program exits XRMIIN and XRMIOUT
- Resource management install and discard exit XRSINDI
- Signon and signoff exits XSNON, XSNOFF, and XSNEX
- Statistics domain exit XSTOUT
- System recovery program exit XSRAB
- System termination program exit XSTERM
- Temporary storage domain exits XTSQRIN, XTSQROUT, XTSPTIN, and XTSPTOUT
- Temporary storage EXEC interface program exits XTSEREQ and XTSEREQC
- Terminal allocation program exit XALCAID
- Terminal control program exits XTCIN, XTCOUT, and XTCATT
- ‘Terminal not known’ condition exits XALTENF and XICTENF
- Transaction manager domain exit XXMATT
- Transient data program exits XTDREQ, XTDIN, and XTDOUT
- Transient data EXEC interface program exits XTDEREQ and XTDEREQC
- User log record recovery program exits XRCINIT and XRCINPT
- VTAM terminal management program exit XZCATT
- VTAM working-set module exits XZCIN, XZCOUT, XZCOUT1, and XZIQUE
- XISQUE exit for managing IPIC intersystem queues
- XRF request-processing program exit XXRSTAT
- Writing global user exit programs
- Chapter 2. Task-related user exit programs
- Introduction to the task-related user exit mechanism (the adapter)
- The stub program
- Writing a task-related user exit program
- Obligations of OPENAPI task-related user exits
- User exit parameter lists
- The schedule flag word
- Register handling in the task-related user exit program
- Addressing-mode implications
- Exit programs and the CICS storage protection facility
- Recursion within a task-related user exit program
- Purging tasks
- Using CICS services in your task-related user exit program
- Using channels and containers
- Assembler programs and LEASM
- Wait states in your task-related user exit program
- Work areas
- Coding a program to be invoked by the CICS SPI
- Coding a program to be invoked by the CICS syncpoint manager
- Coding a program to be invoked by the CICS task manager
- Coding a program to be invoked at CICS termination
- Using EDF with your task-related user exit program
- Administering the adapter
- Chapter 3. The user exit programming interface (XPI)
- Overview of the XPI
- Making an XPI call
- Global user exit XPI examples, showing the use of storage
- XPI syntax
- Directory domain XPI functions
- Dispatcher XPI functions
- Dump control XPI functions
- Enqueue domain XPI functions
- Kernel domain XPI functions
- Loader XPI functions
- Log manager XPI functions
- Monitoring XPI functions
- Program management XPI functions
- State data access XPI functions
- Storage control XPI functions
- Trace control XPI function
- Transaction management XPI functions
- User journaling XPI function
- Part 2. Customizing with initialization and shutdown programs
- Chapter 4. Writing initialization and shutdown programs
- Part 3. Customizing with user-replaceable programs
- Chapter 5. General notes about user-replaceable programs
- Chapter 6. Writing a program error program
- Chapter 7. Writing a transaction restart program
- Chapter 8. Writing a terminal error program
- Background to error handling for sequential devices
- The sample terminal error program
- Components of the sample terminal error program
- Structure of the sample terminal error program
- Sample terminal error program messages
- Generating the sample terminal error program
- Job control for generating the sample terminal error program
- DFHTEPM–generating the sample DFHTEP module
- DFHTEPM TYPE=ENTRY and EXIT–for user entry and exit routines
- DFHTEPM TYPE=ERRPROC–replacing error processors
- DFHTEPM TYPE=FINAL–ending the sample DFHTEP module
- DFHTEPM macro examples
- DFHTEPT–generating the sample DFHTEP tables
- DFHTEPT TYPE=INITIAL–establishing the control section
- DFHTEPT TYPE=PERMTID–assigning permanent terminal error blocks
- DFHTEPT TYPE=PERMCODE|ERRCODE–defining error status elements
- DFHTEPT TYPE=BUCKET–using the error bucket for specific errors
- DFHTEPT TYPE=FINAL–terminating DFHTEPT entries
- DFHTEPT–examples of how the macros are used
- Writing your own terminal error program
- Chapter 9. Writing a node error program
- Background to CICS-VTAM error handling
- When an abnormal condition occurs
- The sample node error program
- Compatibility with the sample terminal error program
- Components of the sample node error program
- Generating the sample node error program
- DFHSNEP TYPE=USTOR and USTOREND—defining user storage
- DFHSNEP TYPE=INITIAL—generating the routing mechanism
- DFHSNEP TYPE=DEF3270—including error processors for 3270 LUs
- DFHSNEP TYPE=DEFILU—including error processors for INTLUs
- DFHSNEP TYPE=FINAL—terminating DFHSNEP entries
- DFHSNEP TYPE=ERRPROC—specifying a user error processor
- DFHSNET—generating the node error table
- Writing your own node error program
- Using the node error program with XRF or persistent sessions
- Using the node error program with VTAM generic resources
- Chapter 10. Writing a program to control autoinstall of terminals
- Chapter 11. Writing a program to control autoinstall of consoles
- Chapter 12. Writing a program to control autoinstall of APPC connections
- Chapter 13. Writing a program to control autoinstall of IPIC connections
- Chapter 14. Writing a program to control autoinstall of shipped terminals
- Chapter 15. Writing a program to control autoinstall of virtual terminals
- Chapter 16. Writing a program to control autoinstall of programs
- Chapter 17. Writing a dynamic routing program
- Routing transactions dynamically
- Dynamic transactions
- When the dynamic routing program is invoked
- Information passed to the dynamic routing program
- Changing the target CICS region
- Changing the program name
- Telling CICS whether to route or terminate a transaction
- If the system is unavailable or unknown
- Invoking the dynamic routing program at end of routed transactions
- Invoking the dynamic routing program on abend
- Modifying the initial terminal data
- Modifying the application’s communications area
- Receiving information from a routed transaction
- Some processing considerations
- Unit of work considerations
- Routing DPL requests dynamically
- When the dynamic routing program is invoked
- Changing the target CICS region
- Changing the program name
- Changing the transaction ID
- Telling CICS whether to route or terminate a DPL request
- If an error occurs in route selection
- Using the XPCERES exit to check the availability of resources on the target region
- Invoking the dynamic routing program at end of routed requests
- Modifying the application’s input communications area
- Monitoring the application’s output communications area
- Some processing considerations
- Unit of work considerations
- Routing bridge requests dynamically
- Changing bridge request parameters
- Rejecting a Link3270 bridge request
- Handling route selection errors of Link3270 bridge requests
- Using the XPCERES exit to check the availability of resources on the target region
- Re-invoking the dynamic routing program after Link3270 bridge requests
- Link3270 bridge dynamic routing considerations
- Modifying the application’s containers
- Routing by user ID
- Parameters passed to the dynamic routing program
- Naming your dynamic routing program
- Testing your dynamic routing program
- Dynamic transaction routing sample programs
- Routing transactions dynamically
- Chapter 18. Writing a distributed routing program
- Differences between the distributed and dynamic routing interfaces
- Routing BTS activities
- Routing method requests for enterprise beans and CORBA stateless objects
- Where workload balancing occurs
- Which requests can be dynamically routed?
- When the distributed routing program is invoked
- Changing the target CICS region
- Telling CICS whether to route the method request
- If an error occurs in route selection
- Invoking the distributed routing program on the target region
- Dealing with a disabled CorbaServer
- Performing a rolling upgrade of an EJB/CORBA server
- Routing non-terminal-related START requests
- Which requests can be dynamically routed?
- When the distributed routing program is invoked
- Changing the target CICS region
- Telling CICS whether to route the request
- If an error occurs in route selection
- Using the XICERES exit to check the availability of resources on the target region
- Invoking the distributed routing program on the target region
- Routing inbound Web service requests
- Routing by user ID
- Dealing with an abend on the target region
- Some processing considerations
- Parameters passed to the distributed routing program
- Naming your distributed routing program
- Distributed transaction routing sample programs
- Chapter 19. Writing a CICS–DBCTL interface status program
- Chapter 20. Writing a 3270 bridge exit program
- Chapter 21. Writing a security exit program for IIOP
- Chapter 22. Writing programs to customize JVMs
- Chapter 23. Writing a distinguished name program for clients of enterprise beans
- Chapter 24. Writing an EJB event program
- Chapter 25. Writing programs to customize Language Environment run-time options for XPLink programs
- Part 4. Customizing the XRF overseer program
- Chapter 26. The extended recovery facility overseer program
- Part 5. CICS journaling, monitoring, and statistics
- Chapter 27. CICS logging and journaling
- The CICS log manager
- Log stream storage
- Enabling, disabling, and reading journals
- Structure and content of CICS Transaction Server for z/OS format journal records
- Structure and content of COMPAT41-format journal records
- Format of journal records written to SMF
- Chapter 28. CICS monitoring
- Chapter 29. Writing statistics collection and analysis programs
- Part 6. Customizing CICS compatibility interfaces
- Chapter 30. The dynamic allocation sample program
- Part 7. Customizing CICS security processing
- Chapter 31. Invoking an external security manager
- Chapter 32. Writing a “good night” program
- Part 8. Examining and modifying resource attributes
- Chapter 33. Using the programmable interface to CEDA
- Chapter 34. User programs for the system definition utility program (DFHCSDUP)
- An overview of DFHCSDUP
- Invoking a user program from DFHCSDUP
- Invoking DFHCSDUP from a user program
- The user exit points in DFHCSDUP
- The sample program, DFH$CUS1
- Part 9. Appendixes
- Appendix A. Coding entries in the VTAM LOGON mode table
- Appendix B. Default actions of the node abnormal condition program
- Appendix C. Analyzing CICS restart information
- Appendix D. Using the transient data write-to-terminal program (DFH$TDWT)
- Appendix E. Uppercase translation
- Appendix F. The example program for the XTSEREQ global user exit, DFH$XTSE
- Appendix G. Threadsafe XPI commands
- Bibliography
- Accessibility
- Index
- Notices
- Trademarks
- Readers’ Comments — We'd Like to Hear from You