1 nim master requirements, 2 filesystem creation – IBM RS/6000 User Manual

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environment (see 9.2.4, “ Network Objects Definition” on page 163 for more
information about NIM network objects definition).

9.2 Configuring a PCI-Based RS/6000 Server as NIM Master

Technically, the PCI-based RS/6000 servers can be used as Masters in the NIM
environment. However, some specifics related to the rspc platform type should be
taken into consideration.

We found that when the AIX Version 4.1.4 SMIT NIM support was used to activate
the NIM Master (see 9.2.3, “NIM Master Activation” on page 162), the system
assigned the value rs6k to the platform attribute, which is wrong and caused the
environment configuration to fail.

A work-around and a complete description of the steps to be performed to set up a
PCI-based RS/6000 server as NIM Master are described in this section.

9.2.1 NIM Master Requirements

The following filesets are required and must be installed in the NIM Master system.



When the

bos.sysmgt.nim.server fileset is installed, the Client fileset is installed


9.2.2 Filesystem Creation

We suggest that you create the following three filesystems before starting the NIM


The standard location for resources that are (NFS) Network File
System-exported for use by the Client. The

/export filesystem will

be used only during the network installation and can be removed
later if no longer needed. This filesystem will take approximately
225 MB of disk space.


Contains the software packages (filesets) that are used in software
installation operations. You will specify the mount point of this
filesystem when defining the

lpp_source object.

If you are not using the compression algorithm, the


filesystem will take approximately 295 MB of disk space to store
the filesets used in this example (see 9.2.6, “Resource Objects
Definition” on page 169).


Contains the network boot images and requires approximately 25
MB of disk space.

By default, NIM will automatically expand the size of these filesystems when
needed; thus, you may chose to create the filesystems with a minimum size of 4

Chapter 9. Network Installation Management (NIM) Support