Control specifications, Process alarms, Digital communications – Pyromation Series 610 1_16 DIN User Manual
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-DIN &
- DIN Controllers & Indicators - Product Manual
Control Specifications
Automatic Tuning Types:
Pre-Tune, Self-Tune.
Proportional Bands:
0 (ON/OFF control), 0.5% to 999.9% of input span at 0.1%
increments. ON/OFF control not valid for VMD controllers.
Automatic Reset
(Integral Time Constant):
1s to 99min 59s and OFF.
(Derivative Time Constant):
0 (OFF) to 99 min 59 s.
Manual Reset
Added each control algorithm execution. Adjustable in the
range 0 to 100% of output power (single output) or -100% to
+100% of output power (dual output).
Not valid for VMD controllers.
-20% to +20% of Proportional Band 1 + Proportional Band 2.
Not valid for VMD controllers
ON/OFF Differential:
0.1% to 10.0% of input span.
Motor Travel Time
5 seconds to 5 minutes
Auto/Manual Control:
User-selectable with “bumpless” transfer into and out of
Manual Control.
Limited by Setpoint Upper Limit and Setpoint Lower Limit.
Limited by Scale Range Lower Limit and Setpoint.
Setpoint Ramp:
Minimum Motor On Time
0.0 seconds to (Motor Travel Time/10)
Cycle Times:
Selectable from 0.5s to 512 seconds in binary steps.
Setpoint Range:
Setpoint Maximum:
Limited by Setpoint and Scale Range Upper Limit.
Setpoint Minimum:
Ramp rate selectable 1 to 9999 LSD’s per hour and infinite.
Number displayed is decimal-point-aligned with display.
Process Alarms
Maximum Number of Alarms
Two “soft” process alarms (high, low, deviation or band) plus
Loop Alarm.
Maximum Number of Alarms
Five “soft” alarms (process high or low)
Combinatorial Alarms:
Logical OR or AND of alarms to any suitable output.
Digital Communications
Asynchronous Serial.
Protocols Supported:
Modbus RTU (all models) and ASCII (some models).
Physical Layer:
Zone address range:
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19200 bps.
Bits per character:
ASCII: Even (fixed).
Modbus: None, even or odd (selectable).
Reinforced safety isolation from inputs and outputs.
1 to 99 (ASCII), 1 to 255 (Modbus).
Bit rate:
Modbus: 10 or 11 (depending on parity setting)
Stop bits:
59305, Issue 6 – March 2006
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