HP 48gII User Manual
Page 67

Page 2-9
The editing cursor is shown as a blinking left arrow over the first character in
the line to be edited. As in an earlier exercise on line editing, we will use the
right and left arrow keys,
š™, to move the cursor to the appropriate
place for editing, and the delete key,
ƒ, to eliminate characters.
The following keystrokes will complete the editing for this case:
• Press the right arrow key, ™, until the cursor is to the right of the x
• Type Q2 to enter the power 2 for the x
• Press the right arrow key, ™, until the cursor is to the right of the y
• Press the delete key, ƒ, once to erase the characters y.
• Type ~„x to enter an x
• Press the right arrow key, ™, 4 times to move the cursor to the right
of the *
• Type R to enter a square root symbol
• Type „Ü to enter a set of parentheses (they come in pairs)
• Press the right arrow key, ™, once, and the delete key, ƒ, once,
to delete the right parenthesis of the set inserted above
• Press the right arrow key, ™, 4 times to move the cursor to the right
of the b
• Type „Ü to enter a second set of parentheses
• Press the delete key, ƒ, once, to delete the left parenthesis of the
set inserted above.
• Press ` to return to normal calculator display.
The result is shown next:
Notice that the expression has been expanded to include terms such as
|R|, the absolute value, and SQ(b
⋅R), the square of b⋅R. To see if we can
simplify this result, use FACTOR(ANS(1)) in ALG mode: