HEIDENHAIN TNC 320 (77185x-01) User Manual

Page 250

background image

Programming: Data transfer from DXF files or plain-language contours


Processing DXF Files (Software Option)



TNC 320 | User's Manual

HEIDENHAIN Conversational Programming | 3/2014

Element information

At the bottom left of the screen, the TNC displays the coordinates

of the machining position that you last selected via mouse click in

the left or right window

Undoing actions

You can undo the four most recent actions that you have taken in

the mode for selecting machining positions. The following icons are




Undo the most recently conducted action

Repeat the most recently conducted action

Mouse functions

Use the mouse for magnifying and reducing as follows:

Define the zoom area by dragging the mouse with the left

button depressed
If you have a wheel mouse, you can use it to zoom in and out.

The zooming center is the location of the mouse pointer
Click the magnifying glass icon or double-click with the right

mouse button to reset the view to the default setting

You can move the current view by pressing and holding the center

mouse button.
If 3-D mode is active, you can rotate and tilt the view by pressing

and holding the right mouse button.
Deselecting selected positions:

To deselect two or more selected positions, press and hold the

Ctrl key and open an box with the left mouse key
To deselect individual positions, press and hold the Ctrl key and

click them individually