Grass Valley UniConfi NVISION Series v.2.1 User Manual

Page 110

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3 In the ‘Output Range’ section, enter a ‘Start’ number of ‘1’ and an ‘End’ number of ‘1024’ and

click Read Outputs. Outputs corresponding to the range entered display in the ‘Select Out-
puts to edit’ pane with default settings.

The following lists each column and the information it presents:

4 In the ‘Select Outputs to edit’ list, select any outputs being updated

To select specific outputs, use standard click, shift-click and control-click methods. Selected
outputs are highlighted.

Or, to select all outputs, click ‘Select All’ in the ‘Edit’ menu.

Or, to clear all outputs currently displayed, click ‘Remove All Outputs’ in the ‘Edit’ menu.

5 In the ‘Set selection(s) to’ section, check the appropriate check boxes to apply switching

parameters (video reference, bypass, and video format) for the outputs you have selected.

The following lists each check box and its function:

6 In the ‘Dual Video Reference Option’ section, choose ‘Redundant’ or ‘Dual’.


Both ‘VIDEO REF 1’ and ‘VIDEO REF 2’ are used. If one fails, the other can be

used as a fail-over. Both video reference signals should be identical in rate and format.


Choose which video reference signal to use, ‘VIDEO REF1’ or ‘VIDEO REF 2’. In this

instance, the reference signals can be different.

For information on dual or redundant references, see

Redundant v. Dual Video Reference


page 47.




The number of the output port.


Specifies whether the router output bypasses re-clocking. See step 5.


Specifies whether the router output is SD or HD. See step 5.


Specifies whether the output uses ‘VIDEO REF1’ or ‘VIDEO REF2’ connection on
the router.
See step 5.



Grass Valley Technical Support

before using an EC9535 video reference.

Check Box(es)


Use Video Reference 1

Use Video Reference 2

Choose whether to use the ‘VIDEO REF 1’ or ‘VIDEO REF 2’ connection on the
as the reference.

Either ‘Ref1’ or ‘Ref2’ appears in the ‘Ref1/Ref2’ column.

Use Reclocker

Bypass Reclocker

Choose whether the router output should re-clock its signal or bypass the
re-clocker, retaining the signal’s current rate.

Either ‘Reclock’ or ‘Bypass’ appears in the ‘Reclock/Bypass’ column.

Switch on SD Line

Switch on HD Line

Choose ‘Switch on SD Line’ if the selected output is either SD or analog
video. Choose ‘Switch on HD Line’ if the selected output is HD.

Either ‘SD’ or ‘HD’ appears in the ‘SD/HD’ column.



Grass Valley Technical Support

before using an EC9535 video reference.