H3C Technologies H3C SecPath F1000-E User Manual
Page 31

# Set the server type for the RADIUS scheme. When using the CAMS or iMC server, you need set the
server type to extended.
[Device-radius-rs1] server-type extended
# Specify the primary authentication server and primary accounting server, and configure the keys for
communication with the servers.
[Device-radius-rs1] primary authentication
[Device-radius-rs1] primary accounting
[Device-radius-rs1] key authentication radius
[Device-radius-rs1] key accounting radius
[Device-radius-rs1] user-name-format without-domain
# Configure the IP address of the security policy server.
[Device-radius-rs1] security-policy-server
[Device-radius-rs1] quit
Configure an authentication domain
# Create an ISP domain named dm1 and enter its view.
[Device] domain dm1
# Configure the ISP domain to use RADIUS scheme rs1.
[Device-isp-dm1] authentication portal radius-scheme rs1
[Device-isp-dm1] authorization portal radius-scheme rs1
[Device-isp-dm1] accounting portal radius-scheme rs1
[Device-isp-dm1] quit
# Configure dm1 as the default ISP domain for all users. Then, if a user enters the username without the
ISP domain at logon, the authentication and accounting methods of the default domain will be used for
the user.
[Device] domain default enable dm1
Configure the ACL (ACL 3000 ) for resources on subnet and the ACL (ACL 3001) for
Internet resources
On the security policy server, you need to specify ACL 3000 as the isolation ACL and ACL 3001 as the
security ACL.
[Device] acl number 3000
[Device-acl-adv-3000] rule permit ip destination
[Device-acl-adv-3000] rule deny ip
[Device-acl-adv-3000] quit
[Device] acl number 3001
[Device-acl-adv-3001] rule permit ip
[Device-acl-adv-3001] quit
Configure extended portal authentication
# Configure the portal server as follows:
Name: newpt
IP address:
Key: portal
Port number: 50100