H3C Technologies H3C SecPath F1000-E User Manual
Page 176
[DeviceA-ipsec-proposal-prop] transform esp
[DeviceA-ipsec-proposal-prop] esp encryption-algorithm des
[DeviceA-ipsec-proposal-prop] esp authentication-algorithm sha1
[DeviceA-ipsec-proposal-prop] quit
# Create an IPsec policy named policy, specifying to set up SAs through IKE negotiation.
[DeviceA] ipsec policy policy 10 isakmp
# Configure the IPsec policy to reference the IKE peer.
[DeviceA-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy-10] ike-peer peer
# Configure the IPsec policy to reference ACL 3101.
[DeviceA-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy-10] security acl 3101
# Configure the IPsec policy to reference IPsec proposal prop.
[DeviceA-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy-10] proposal prop
[DeviceA-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy-10] quit
# Configure the IP address of interface Gigabitethernet 0/1.
[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 0/1
[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet0/1] ip address
# Apply the IPsec policy to interface Gigabitethernet 0/1.
[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet0/1] ipsec policy policy
[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet0/1] remote address pool 1
Configure Device B
# Specify a name for the local security gateway.
[DeviceB] ike local-name Deviceb
# Configure an ACL.
[DeviceB] acl number 3101 match-order auto
[DeviceB-acl-adv-3101] rule permit ip source any destination any
[DeviceB-acl-adv-3101] quit
# Configure an IKE peer.
[DeviceB] ike peer peer
[DeviceB-ike-peer-peer] exchange-mode aggressive
[DeviceB-ike-peer-peer] pre-shared-key abc
[DeviceB-ike-peer-peer] id-type name
[DeviceB-ike-peer-peer] remote-name Devicea
[DeviceB-ike-peer-peer] remote-ip
[DeviceB-ike-peer-peer] nat traversal
[DeviceB-ike-peer-peer] quit
# Create an IPsec proposal named prop.
[DeviceB] ipsec proposal prop
[DeviceB-ipsec-proposal-prop] encapsulation-mode tunnel
[DeviceB-ipsec-proposal-prop] transform esp
[DeviceB-ipsec-proposal-prop] esp encryption-algorithm des
[DeviceB-ipsec-proposal-prop] esp authentication-algorithm sha1
[DeviceB-ipsec-proposal-prop] quit
# Create an IPsec policy, specifying to set up SAs through IKE negotiation.