ACTi V11 User Manual
Page 75

Encoder Firmware User
’s Manual H1.02.30
body text will be based upon the Notification messages. In general, please stick to the
“one email
per event rule
” limit for best performance.
If you are recording to local storage, it is recommended to set only one continuous recording for
each video stream or source to ensure optimum performance.
Change Motion Detection profile
: This will switch the profile of the selected Motion Detection
region from Runtime profile to Event profile. The profile will return to runtime settings at the end of
this event. You may program one motion detection region to be disabled at runtime, but enable it
with event handler under some circumstances.
Send URL command
: Select the URL command to include in the response set. Two different
commands will be sent at the time when the event is triggered and un-triggered.
After changing any of the items above, click
to save the changes. The
undoes the changes that had just been made but not applied yet.