Glossary of terms – Wavecom W-SPECTRA (Automatic Monitoring System) V1.1.0 User Manual
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WAVECOM Monitoring System W-SPECTRA, W-SPEED Manual V1.1.0
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
Active window
The window on the screen where the next action will take place. The active window is indicated by a col-
ored title bar and border.
The AF input has a range of 0 – 16.000 Hz. This input should be used when the source is an AF output
(line or speaker) or a 12.0 or 12.5 kHz IF output used in professional digital recorders.
A warning or notice of an error in the form of a message, a sound from the computer's speaker, or both.
Advanced Multi-Band Excitation speech coding.
An acronym for the American National Standards Institute, an organization that sets standards for a varie-
ty of programming languages and systems.
Atlantic Ocean Region.
Adaptive Predictive Coding.
Automatic repeat request (ARQ) (or automatic repeat-query) is an error-control method for data transmis-
sion which uses acknowledgements and requests to achieve reliable data transmission over an unreliable
service. An acknowledgement is a message sent by the receiver to the transmitter to indicate that it has
correctly received a data frame or packet. A request is a message sent by the receiver to the transmitter
to indicate that the sender has to re-transmit the frame/packet; if the sender does not receive an
acknowledgement before a timeout, it usually re-transmits the frame/packet until it receives an acknowl-
edgement or exceeds a predefined number of re-transmissions.
An acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, pronounced "ASK-ee." It is a code
in which the numbers from 0 to 127 stand for letters, numbers, punctuation marks and other characters.
ASCII code is standardized to facilitate transmitting text between computers or between a computer and a
peripheral device.
Baud rate
The speed in a 2FSK transmission. The duration of a bit is 1/Baud. At 50 Baud a bit is 20ms long.