Codemeter and cmstick user guide (help), License update for codemeter and cmstick – Wavecom W-SPECTRA (Automatic Monitoring System) V1.1.0 User Manual

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WAVECOM Monitoring System W-SPECTRA, W-SPEED Manual V1.1.0License System, Software and Options


Warining: Never try to debug the Wavecom software (e.g., W-SPECTRA). This will disable all the licenses
on the CMStick.

You can find more information regarding the CodeMeter and CmStick in the related help file.

CodeMeter and CmStick User Guide (Help)

Important: For current and detailed information consult the CodeMeter help files.

For help, click the CodeMeter Icon.

Select “Help” from the menu.

Now you see the CodeMeter help screen.

License update for CodeMeter and CmStick

New licenses can be loaded to the CmStick without sending the key to WAVECOM. Just click “License Up-
date” on the “CodeMeter Control Center” and follow the information provided by the assistant.