Graphics data – Wavecom W-SPECTRA (Automatic Monitoring System) V1.1.0 User Manual
Page 258

WAVECOM Data Formats
WAVECOM Monitoring System W-SPECTRA, W-SPEED Manual V1.1.0
The data package which contains the text “CodeCheck Data Section” marks the beginning of the Co-
deCheck data section.
The CodeCheck data of a classified signal is written to a single string. The following values are written to
the string:
The index value of the classified signal.
The string value with all predicted modes.
All detected modes (can be more than one), for a detected mode the following values are written
to the string:
Mode: the name of the detected mode, e.g., 'FEC-A', 'ASCII'.
SubMode: the name of the submode e.g., 'SREG - 72 Bits' by FEC-A, '9 Bits' by ASCII-mode.
additional description, information: e.g., 'Shift Reg: 72 Bits'.
the hits value. Shows how often during checking, a mode was successfully determined.
NOTE: the values are written to the string in the same order as listed above.
If not stored with _UNICODE enabled, then the string contains normal 8-bit characters values, from type
char, otherwise the string contains 16-bit characters, from type wchar_t.
A char value occupies 1 Byte and a wchar_t value occupies 2 Bytes in the binary .WDA file.
Graphics data
The FileType stored in the file header is “Graphics”.
Header data
This file type uses the ‘File Header’ described in chapter “
” on page 244.
The Phase value, the AspectRatio (could be stored in old WAVECOM Data Files, for the actual Software it is
not stored anymore) and the Flip Left/Right/Top/Bottom value are stored additionally to the default head-
The following additional data is stored in the Header, following the default header:
Phase: Value for moving the image horizontal
Pad: padding bits for alignment (not used)
AspectRatio: obsolete, no longer used in the actual software
FlipHV: 0 = FlipLeftRight & FlipTopBottom disabled, 1 = FlipLeftRight, 2 = FlipTopBottom, 3 =
FlipLeftRight & FlipTopBottom
Pad: padding bytes for alignment (not used)
To the default file header with 64 bytes additional a block of 24 bytes is added that contains the Phase,
the AspectRatio, the FlipHV and some padding bytes for alignment.
The Phase value occupies 4 Bytes followed by 4 padding bytes. The Aspect Ration occupies 8 bytes. The
FlipHV (Flip horizontal vertical ) value occupies 4 bytes followed by 4 padding bytes.
NOTE: the following struct type could be used to extract the data header.
64 Bytes
4 Bytes
8 Bytes
4 Bytes
4 Bytes
4 Bytes