Wavecom W-SPECTRA (Automatic Monitoring System) V1.1.0 User Manual
Page 184

Transmission Modes
WAVECOM Monitoring System W-SPECTRA, W-SPEED Manual V1.1.0
A transmission is initiated with a start sequence, which identifies this mode and may be used for accurate
tuning. This sequence is transmitted at 1 Baud, which makes it readable even during very unfavorable
The data proper is transmitted at a rate of 7.5 Baud. A sequence of 19 'P' characters is initially transmitted
followed by the five digit code words. The transmission is terminated by transmitting 20 'K' characters. As
the transmission rate is very low this mode is insensitive to fading and multipath propagation.
To decode a SP-14 signal it must first be demodulated using an AM demodulator in order to retrieve the
MFSK signal. The simplest way is to use the AF output of the receiver and select receiver AM demodula-
tion. If a receiver IF output is used, AM demodulation is not available and decoding becomes difficult.
However, using the MFSK demodulator the transmitted symbols may be retrieved. A MFSK IAS using 16
bit over sampling will retrieve symbol clock. In order to process both baud rates used by SP-14, the IAS
has to be configured to a baud rate of 15 Bd. Thus at a rate of 1 Bd 15 symbols per transmitted symbol,
and at 7.5 Bd two symbols per transmitted symbol must be received with a certain tolerance. Even if for
instance the same character is received 15 times in succession, error correction is impossible due to the
fact that in case of repetition of numerals the numeral itself is followed by the repetition indicator 'R'.
Tuning a SP-14 Signal
Using the WAVECOM decoder as an example the following shows how decoding SP-14 is performed:
After tuning the receiver to the selected frequency and turning AM demodulation on, the receiver AF out-
put (Line Out) is connected to the AF input.
If the receiver has been correctly tuned the following FFT display is shown:
For the FFT, bandwidths of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 4000 Hz may be selected. A bandwidth of 500 Hz will
ensure a good quality of signal display, and will also enable a fine tuning of the signal. Then using the dis-
play cursors the center frequency of the signal may be determined. All 14 tones, except tone 2 and tone
13 are clearly displayed. The missing tones are the start and stop indicators which are of course only
transmitted at the start and the stop of the transmission. It is important to tune to the signal center fre-
quency as accurately as possible, because accuracy of this tuning directly influences the quality of demod-
ulation and the synchronization. In case the receiver AF output is used, the center frequency should be as
close to 409 Hz as possible. The value of the center frequency is directly transferred to the decoding soft-
ware module.
The screen shot below shows a decoded SP-14 signal.