Classifiercodecheck data – Wavecom W-SPECTRA (Automatic Monitoring System) V1.1.0 User Manual
Page 257

WAVECOM Monitoring System W-SPECTRA, W-SPEED Manual V1.1.0
WAVECOM Data Formats
This ‘FileType’ uses the data structure described in chapter “
” on page 245 to store the da-
A data package in the .WDA file contains the data of one classified signal.
The signal data of a signal detected by the classifier is written to a single string. The following values are
written to the string:
Signal: the signal name displayed in the GUI e.g., 'Signal 1'.
Mode: the mode name, e.g., 'CW-MORSE'.
Modulation: the modulation e.g., F1B.
Center frequency: the center frequency value including the unit, e.g., '1846.5Hz'.
Shift: the shift value including the unit, e.g., '926.4Hz'.
Baudrate: the baud rate value including the label if available, e.g., '158.7Bd', otherwise 'unclassi-
Bandwidth: the bandwidth value including the unit, e.g., '922.7Hz'.
Confidence: the confidence value including the unit, e.g., '51%'.
Mode: the mode value.
Center: the center frequency value.
Shift: the shift value.
BaudrateA: the baudrateA value.
BaudrateB: the baudrateB value.
Bandwidth: the bandwidth value.
Time stamp: the time when the signal was classified, number of seconds elapsed since midnight
(00:00:00), January 1, 1970, coordinated universal time.
NOTE: the values are written to the string in the same order as listed above!
If not stored with _UNICODE enabled, then the string contains normal 8-bit characters values, from type
char, otherwise the string contains 16-bit characters, from type wchar_t.
A char value occupies 1 Byte and a wchar_t value occupies 2 Bytes in the binary .WDA file.
ClassifierCodeCheck data
The ‘FileType’ is “CCC“.
Header data
This file type uses the ‘File Header’ described in chapter “
” on page 244.
The following additional data is stored in the Header:
Pad[0]: Timestamp format, how to show timestamp in classifier textview: 0=Timestamp off, 1 =
show Timestamp in 'Local time', 2 = show Timestamp in 'Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)'.
This ‘FileType’ uses the data structure described in chapter “
” on page 245 to store the da-
A data package in the .WDA file contains the data of one classified signal or the CodeCheck data of a clas-
sified signal.
The data stored for the classier CodeCheck is divided into two parts, the Classifier part and the CodeCheck
A .WDA file contains at first the classifier data and then the CodeCheck data.
The Classifier data is stored in the way described in chapter “
” on page 244.