Wavecom W-SPECTRA (Automatic Monitoring System) V1.1.0 User Manual
Page 24

Complete Automatic Monitoring System W-SPECTRAWAVECOM Monitoring System W-SPECTRA, W-
SPEED Manual V1.1.0
W-SPECTRA works properly.
There are five major parts in the W-SPECTRA main GUI:
Direct receiver (SDR) control
Run a decoder or a classifier, database operations
Wideband (2 MHz) spectrum display and media player/recorder
Narrowband (96 kHz) spectrum display and media player/recorder
Decoder or classifier setting and display of results.
The user can set the receiver frequency, demodulator and demodulator bandwidth using the W-
SPECTRA GUI or the native SDR GUI, e.g., WiNRADiO G39DDC GUI. Settings will be synchronised
in both GUIs.
The user can view the spectrum up to 2 MHz in the wideband display.
The signals in the middle 96 kHz wide stripe of the wideband display will be shown in the narrow-
band spectrum display. The user may move the middle cursor in the narrowband display to locate
the signal.
The user may choose a classifier or decoder in the pull-down list “Mode” and the signal will be
classified or decoded. The result will be displayed in the lower part of the GUI.
If no receiver (SDR) is running or the W-SPECTRA server stops, warning messages will be dis-
played in the W-SPECTRA GUI. The user may take actions according to the message guide.