Wavecom W-SPECTRA (Automatic Monitoring System) V1.1.0 User Manual
Page 197

WAVECOM Monitoring System W-SPECTRA, W-SPEED Manual V1.1.0
Transmission Modes
The middle pane contains a list of active TMO and DMO voice sessions. Left-clicking an entry will highlight
the row ant send the selected conversation to the audio output. Audio output may be enabled or disabled
using the mute button
The lower pane contains a list of saved calls and SDS messages. By double-clicking a file a call or a mes-
sage is retrieved and displayed or played back.
Tetra Settings…
Various options are available through Options | Tetra Settings…
The user may select what is to be displayed by clicking one of the radio buttons.
The checkboxes allows the user to display all layer 3 PDUs (Protocol Data Units) corre-
sponding to the levels of the TETRA protocol stack (for protocol overview, see the
WAVECOM white paper WP-TETRA or consult the appropriate ETSI documentation).
PDUs from the following protocol entities are available:
Mobile Link Entity (MLE) – Information on neighboring cells and control of cell reselection.
Mobility Management (MM) - Controls various services, e.g., registration and de-
registration, authentication, OTAR (Over-The-Air-Rekeying), mobile station stunning and
group attachment.
Sub-Network Dependent Convergence Protocol (SNDCP) – TETRA specific adaptation proto-
col for IP data.
Circuit Mode Control Entity (CMCE) – Controls all voice and data (SDS).
Call setup, maintenance and tear-down functions.
An excerpt of the display of PDUs, here CMCE and MLE PDUs.
The PDUs in their entirety are not verbally interpreted – only the protocol name and the
name of the PDU in question are displayed, whereas payload data is output as bits. The ex-
ception here are the SNDCP PDUs which are displayed in formatted as well as binary form.
This allows for a better view on the context activation/deactivation as well as packet flow.