Chapter 11: using multiple machines, Connecting to multiple machines – Teac MX-View Version 1.0b1 User Manual

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Chapter 11: Using Multiple Machines

Multiple machines can be viewed in the main MX-View window. This chapter reviews using a multiple
machines setup.


Connecting to Multiple Machines

Loading Machines onto the Main MX-View Window:
MX-View auto-detects all machines available on the local network and automatically
places them in the Network window. In the Network window, select the desired machines
(local and remote) while holding down the Ctrl key on Microsoft Windows, or Cmd key
on Macintosh, so that they appear highlighted. Then select File Menu

Edit or press

the space bar. The machines will now appear stacked in the main MX-View window.


order that machines appear in the main MX-View window is dependent on the order in
which the machines were selected in the network window.

Each machine is separated by

it’s own time-ruler and may be run independent of other machines on the network,
although this feature is most effectively used with machines that are synchronized
through the TL-Bus.

When multiple machines are launched in the main MX-View window, an additional
column of machine ID (Bus ID) numbers is added to the right of the main transport
controls. The Transport window as well as keyboard, has control of only the machine ID
that is highlighted. To change Transport and keyboard focus from one machine to the
next, click once on the desired ID number.

Machine ID (Bus ID). In this case, the
Transport has control over Machine
with Bus ID 2.

Machine 1 Tracks

Machine 2 Tracks

Machine 1

Machine 2