Reverse, Undo and redo, Drag and drop editing – Teac MX-View Version 1.0b1 User Manual

Page 58

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Reverse “reverses” an audio event or region, as if audio was played backwards, without
affecting unselected tracks. The newly reversed audio event will replace the existing
audio region. To perform a Reverse, select the desired events or audio region and select
Reverse under the Edit Menu. Depending on the length and number of tracks selected, a
Reverse may take up to a few minutes to process. The busy cursor will appear during this




Undo and Redo

The MX-2424 has 99 levels of undo, meaning it can undo the last 99 edits or recordings
performed. Undos are only valid in the existing project, meaning you cannot perform an
undo on a previous project. Undos are not stored with the project - the Undo list is
cleared each time you start a new project, unmount a disk, or turn off the recorder. Press
Redo to go back an Undo level. Undo and Redo functions are available on the Edit bar,
Edit menu, or as quick key short cuts.



Undo: Ctrl + Z on Microsoft Windows, Cmd + Z on Macintosh
Redo: Ctrl + Y on Microsoft Windows, Cmd + Y on Macintosh


The MMR is limited to 10 levels of undo.


Drag and Drop Editing

Drag and drop editing allows you to use the mouse, in conjunction with various keyboard
short cut keys, to edit and move audio events around with great flexibility. While the
Selector Tool is used mostly to select audio regions, the Drag and Trim Tool can trim
events and fades, move and drag audio events, insert and edit volume automation
breakpoints, and move location markers (Breakpoint volume automation and Event and
Fade trimming are covered in Chapter 7).

Audio Event is

Reverse edit is
performed, the
waveform reversed.